VAC-U-MAX Bulk Bag Unloader
VAC-U-MAX Bulk Bag Unloading Systems, also known as Bulk Bag Dischargers, are specifically designed to provide an easy, clean and economical way to discharge the entire contents of bulk and semi-bulk bags, especially when the material is less than free-flowing. The ActivatorTM Bulk Bag Unloading System offers a wide variety of options to meet specific bag sizes, bag handling requirements and bulk material characteristics. Featuring a clean design ideal for dusty process environments, the Activator Bulk Bag Unload System utilizes “No-Maintenance” actuators which utilize 50% less compressed-air whereby eliminating rods and seals.
The system provides the most effective flow promotion by applying force to four bottom edges instead of only two sides, maximizing full discharge of the bulk bag. Unit is constructed with stainless steel product contact surfaces as standard. Discharge options include VAC-U-MAX pick-up adapter for vacuum conveying, screw discharger or rotary valve for metered feed, and flexible screw or aero-mechanical conveyors. Our massage paddles have a proprietary design to discharge the contents of the bag dust-free into your process.
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