Accurately Measure Difficult Media with Coriolis Flow Meters
Do you have more than one liquid, slurry, or gas in your process? Do they all have different properties? Does your process involve high temperatures and drastic pressure changes? If this sounds like your facility, don’t worry; you can accurately measure difficult media! Coriolis Flow Meters are unique because they do not require compensations for external factors like temperature or pressure. They are also designed to measure virtually any fluid across any application. In this article you’ll learn how it works, the different styles available, and which one is right for you.
How a Coriolis Flow Meter Allows You to Accurately Measure Difficult Media

The Coriolis measuring principle refers to the effect that a moving mass has on a body in a rotating frame of reference. The moving mass exerts an apparent force on the body, causing deformation. This force is called the Coriolis force. It does not act directly on the body, but on the motion of the body. This principle is used in Coriolis flow meters.
Coriolis flow meters consist of two parallel tubes that are made to oscillate using a magnet. These oscillations are recorded by sensors fitted at the inlet and outlet of each tube. In a no-flow state, the oscillations are synchronized since there is no mass exerting any force on the tubes. On the other hand, any fluid or gas flowing through the tubes generates Coriolis forces. This causes the tubes to twist in proportion to the mass flow rate of the medium. The magnitude of this twisting is measured by the sensors as a phase shift between the inlet and outlet of the tubes. This phase shift is used to measure the mass flow rate of the medium.
Coriolis Flow Meter Configurations
Apex carries Tek-Trol Coriolis Flow Meters so we will be covering their offerings in this article. Tek-Trol can cover virtually every variety of Coriolis Flow Meter.

Standard Tek-Cor 1100A Series
The Standard Coriolis Flow Meter is comprised of two tubes in a casing with a considerably smaller radius than conventional “U-Tube” Coriolis Flow Meters. The smaller radius ensures a more compact instrument with significantly lower pressure differential values compared to other flow meters. Compact design ideal for medium temperatures for highest accuracy. Available in sizes 3/8” to 8”.

U-Tube Series
These flow meters are comprised of two tubes that are arranged in the shape of the letter ‘U’, a magnet and coil assembly, and sensors at the inlet and outlet of the tubes. Coriolis forces exerted by the flow medium are used to determine the mass flow rate and density of the medium. Ideal for handling high pressure applications. Available in sizes 1” to 8”.

Nano Series
The Nano flow meter is the most compact in our range of Coriolis mass flow meters, designed specifically to provide optimum performance in low-flow applications. It is comprised of a single flow tube which is considerably smaller in size than the conventional U-Tube model. Available in sizes 3/8” to 1”.

Super Bend Series
The Super Bend Coriolis mass flow meter is used in a wide range of applications to accurately measure the flow media. It consists of a loop-powered dual tube system, capable of withstanding pressures of up to 1450 psi. Also, it is more cost-efficient compared to conventional flow meters. Ideal for sanitary applications (CIP option), cryogenic media, and liquid natural gas (LNG). Available in sizes 3/8” to 8”.

Straight Series
It is the highest capacity Coriolis Mass Flow Meter for liquid and gases. Its straight tube design is ideal for bunkering operations and custody transfer or fiscal metering in the oil and gas industry. The Straight Coriolis Flow Meter offers excellent corrosion resistance and is self-draining with a plug-resistant flow path. Available in sizes 3/8” to 1”.

Duo Series
These Flow Meters are mostly used in custody transfer applications. It provides high accuracy, repeatability, and reliability in fluid measurement. It has a tolerance of solid particles and minimizes pressure drop, which increases the performance. This meter can be installed without long, straight pipe runs upstream and downstream. The Duo Coriolis Mass Flow Meter is suitable for high flow rate applications. Available in sizes 10” to 24”.
All Tek-Trol Coriolis Flow Meters are designed to measure mass flow, density, temperature, and volume flow with high accuracy. There are no moving parts so there is almost no maintenance required. They can even handle aggressive and contaminated media.
Interested in learning more or getting a quote? Contact the Apex team today!
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