Available in both high pressure and low pressure steam, this particular shell design overcomes thermal shock problems common to other multi-pass boilers. Thermal stress is greatly reduced because of two unique features of the furnace.
Firstly, the larger diameter, shorter furnace produces less thermal expansion than a furnace of an ordinary boiler. Secondly, the furnace end is supported by stays which are attached to the rear tube sheet. Tube sheet fatigue failures are eliminated because shear stress between the furnace and the rear tube sheet is greatly reduced. Solid Efficiency Up to 83% efficiency Three-pass design captures additional flue gas heat after heating primary surface Dual fuels: natural gas, #2 oil, biogas, LP gas Simplicity of Design No complex controls which require intensive training fewer moving parts reduces incidence of failure and required re-tuning. Compact Design Greatly reduced footprint, as compared to industry 3 and 4 pass fire tube boilers, given relatively large diameter and short furnace design Low NOx Emissions Less than 30ppm NOx standar and 20ppm NOx available.