Heat-N-Store Indirect Water Heater
The Sellers Heat-N-Store is an automatic, completely packaged storage type large volume water heater. The water is heated with a heat exchanger using boiler water as the heating medium. The heater has two sections incorporated into one assembly – a recovery section and a storage section.
The recovery section consists of a shell and tube type heat exchanger into which boiler water is admitted at a controlled rate by a flow control valve. The water being heated is continuously pumped at a fixed rate through the shell of the heat exchanger. By a series of baffles, turbulent scrubbing of the tube surfaces more than doubles the rate of heat transfer.
The storage section is an ASME Code Section VIII built cylindrical tank with convex heads. It is provided with a 12” x 16” manhole. Epoxy Phenolic lining and insulated with 2” steel jacketed fiberglass are standard. Storage section capacities and dimensions of all models are found on the inside pages.
The completed Heat-N-Store is factory tested and mounted on a skid type base. The package of controls and accessories listed in this specification sheet is factory piped and installed. All controls are tested after installation to insure proper functioning. The heater arrives ready for installation and operation.