ANSI 150/300 Pneumatic Control Valves

Series 5800 features bolted bonnets and cage-retained seats in rugged high efficiency bodies of steel or stainless steel for ease of maintenance and a variety of trim materials and port sizes. The equal percentage and linear plugs provide excellent modulating control of a wide variety of fluids. The Series 5800 is ideally suited where value and long life are important objectives for applications including but not limited to the Chemical, District Energy, Food & Beverage, General Service, Marine, Pulp & Paper, Refining, and Pharmaceutical Industries with temperatures from -20 to 800ª F, severe service, dirty fluids, high pressure drops, and corrosive fluids.

• 2-way unbalanced cage retained seat
• 2-way cage balanced cage retained seat


ANSI 150/300 Pneumatic Control Valves:

SIZES: 1/2 to 4 in.
CLASS: 300
ENDS: 150, 300 RF fig, NPT, Socketweld
BODY: WCB, CFªM, Bronze (ASTM B61)
TRIM: 316 SST, 400 SST
Cv: up to 170
TEMP: -20ª to 800ª F
BODY: limit to 740 psi

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