Ambient Temperature Regulators

The Ambi-Regulator (Ambi-Reg) is a direct-operated regulator similar to the W91/94 Series, except the bulb and capillary are removed. This allows the thermal assembly to sense the surrounding conditions which opens and closes the valve based on ambient temperatures. Typical application is on steam tracing lines to close the valve when ambient temperatures rise above the field-adjustable set temperature. The Ambi-Reg can also be used as a freeze protection device on water lines by opening if ambient temperatures fall below the field-adjustable set temperature.
ModelSizeTypePort TypeMax PMO (psig)


The Ambient Temperature Regulators are similar to the W91/94 Series, except the bulb and capillary are removed. This allows the thermal assembly to sense the surrounding conditions which opens and closes the valve based on ambient temperatures. Primarily used on steam tracing lines and can also be used as a freeze protection device on water lines.

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